Prediabetes Prevention Tips

Prediabetes Prevention Tips

The possibility of developing diabetes is scary. However, Type 2 diabetes is regarded as a lifestyle disease that you can prevent once you are diagnosed with prediabetes. You are likely to be aghast upon learning that The American Diabetes Association (ADA) advises all citizens to get checked for diabetes by the time they turn 35. Sure, several diagnostic tests conclude whether you are a prediabetic patient or not. It is important to know that you are regarded as having developed prediabetes when your fasting blood sugar is between 100 to 125 mg/dL. You would be advised to make certain lifestyle changes for prediabetes prevention once your doctor lets you know that you are indeed prediabetic. 

Several other diagnostic tests such as the following will enable you to learn whether you have developed prediabetes: 

  • Glycated hemoglobin (A1C) test
  • Oral glucose tolerance test

You cannot determine which particular test is right for you. The doctor who has been examining you will be the best person to decide it. Rest assured the results will be shared with you as soon as possible.

Guidelines For Prediabetes Prevention

Your doctor will not prescribe medication initially. Instead, you will be asked to make some lifestyle changes that will help you to reverse your blood sugar levels as required. The following steps are almost always advised by the medical professional: –

  • Eating Nutritious Food– Feel free to connect with a nutritionist or dietician if you are not too sure of what to eat. You will be asked to include fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains in your diet. You switch to olive oil for cooking to add to the nutrition. You must eat a variety of foods especially colored ones to ensure a balanced diet. Be sure to select foods that are low in calories and fat and high in fiber. 
  • Physical Activity– Hitting the gym is not a must to remain physically active. On the contrary, you may begin walking, cycling, or running initially to shed a few kilos. Remember that indulging in physical exercise will make your body use the sugar for energy generation that will be used up. You thus get to manage insulin much better. Mild to moderate activity is recommended for you when you are prediabetic. You may combine aerobics with weight training exercises when possible.
  • Losing Weight– Keeping the body weight in check is extremely helpful to eliminate the risks of developing Type 2 diabetes. Try to lose at least 5% to 7% of your body weight when you are overweight. A perfect combination of exercise and diet will help you to achieve your objective speedily.

  • Quit Smoking– Consumption of nicotine in any possible manner is a strict no-no when you are trying to reduce the risks of Type 2 diabetes. The functions of insulin can be improved by stopping smoking for good. 

It is difficult to stick to a routine when you are determined to follow prediabetes prevention tips. One of the best ways to do it successfully is to join a program that will help you to reduce the risks slowly but surely. You are welcome to install a related app to track your results regularly.