A Detailed Guide On Dubia Roaches: Food, Habits & Care

A Detailed Guide On Dubia Roaches: Food, Habits & Care

Dubia Roaches provide game-changing advantages when reptile owners think about their feed.

Reptile owners commonly prefer Dubia roaches as excellent feeder insects for their pets among numerous possible choices. 

Do you wonder what drives those mini creatures into widespread popularity? In this detailed post, we will learn more about these roaches. 

What Are Dubia Roaches?

Dubia roaches (Blaptica dubia) exist as tropical insects throughout Central and South American regions. 

The clean, odorless, tasty roaches serve as nutritious feed for amphibians, birds, and reptiles without producing the strange smell typical cockroaches do. 

These insects are preferred feeder insects because of their significant nutritional elements and straightforward caretaking requirements.

Nutritional Breakdown

These exotic roaches are filled with high nutrition. Here’s the breakdown per 100 grams:

Protein: 23% – Essential growth & development.

Fat: The 7% nutritional composition offers sufficient energy without causing reptile weight gain.

Moisture: 65% – Fulfills the hydration requirements. 

Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio: The Ca:P ratio is 1:3, ideal enough to be included in the bearded dragon diet. 

Benefits of Feeding

Here is the list of benefits they provide: 

01. Nutritionally Superior

Users benefit from them in two ways: They have a higher protein content and better calcium-to-phosphorus proportions than typical petit succulents. 

They serve reptiles well because they provide ample protein that many of these species need.

02. No Odor & Low Noise

They differ from crickets because they stay silent and have no detectable odors. Crickets, however, constantly make noises and have a powerful smell. 

03. Easy to Maintain

They don’t require complicated care. 

A simple dark enclosure with warm conditions and water alongside food is all they need for successful growth.

04. Long Lifespan & Slow Movement

They reach their full life expectancy of 2 years as they usually move slowly, so reptiles can easily catch them.

How to Care for Dubia Roaches?

Breeding and caring for Dubia roach colonies requires essential maintenance and is cost-effective. Here are things to consider: 

Housing Requirements

  • Container: Choose a glass tank for housing using a ventilated lid for improved air circulation.
  • Temperature: 85°F to 95°F temperature range is ideal for breeding.
  • Humidity: 40-60% humidity level for the enclosure is recommended. 
  • Hiding Spots: Set aside egg crates or cardboard areas where roaches can rest and reproduce.

Feeding Dubia Roaches

  • Food: Provide your roaches with fresh produce, commercial chow, adult-sized insects, and fruit.
  • Water: Prevent drowning by using water crystals for the aquatic environment.

Dubia Roaches vs. Other Feeder Insects

Insect Type Protein Content (%) Fat Content (%) Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio
Dubia Roaches 23 7 1:3
Crickets 18 6 1:9
Mealworms 20 13 1:17
Waxworms 15 22 1:20

Clearly, they outperform many other popular feeders overall. 

Common Myths About Dubia Roaches

Myth 1: They Infest Homes

Fact: These insects originated from tropical areas, requiring strict control over household temperature and proper humidity. Hence, the association of infesting houses is not correct for these roaches. 

Myth 2: They’re Dirty

Fact: The clean Dubia roach species emits no smells and transmits no diseases to people.

Pro Tips for Feeding Dubia Roaches

  • Gut Loading: Feeding high-protein for atleast 24-48 hours before feeding them to your pet animal, such as a bearded dragon or gecko, is highly recommended. 
  • Dusting: Use calcium powder to dust them before feeding.
  • Portion Control: The amount of insects fed to your pet should reflect its size and feeding habits.

Wrapping Up

Now that you understand feeding your bearded dragon Dubia roaches is a great choice. Include them in your pet’s diet and follow the tips and care instructions mentioned above. 

Get ready for an adventurous pet-care journey.